LabOasis Foundation takes every precaution to guarantee maximum confidentiality of the collected data, as a precise commitment to its supporters, sympathizers and all those who come in contact with our initiatives. Please note that these data will not be transmitted to third parties.


LabOasis  Foundation protects its users by applying legislative decree n° 196 of June 30, 2003 (the code regarding protection of personal data) which guarantees safe, controlled and confidential navigation of the website. Any legislative or regulatory integrations or modifications will be communicated on this page.
The collection and subsequent transmission of the data has the aim of pursuing the institutional goals of LabOasis Foundation. LabOasis Foundation will not use the provided data for purposes other than those relating to the service that the user has subscribed to, and only within the time frame indicated each time on the information sheet.

These forms only request information that is strictly necessary for processing the relative information (failure to respond will impede proper processing of the request) and optional conferral data.

The data will not be used for any other purposes, nor transmitted or transferred abroad.
LabOasis Foundation is the data controller pursuant to and in accordance with Article n° 196 of legislative decree of June 30, 2003.

The rights are guaranteed by Article 7 of legislative decree 196/2003 which allows for the deletion, modification or integration of data that has been spontaneously provided, as well as the request for the cancellation, anonymous transformation or opposition of data treatment, if made in violation of the law.